Dec, 2014
Bache Audio, a small new company from Brooklyn who markets direct to consumer, was a new name to me. I had the pleasure of meeting Greg Belman, the unassuming designer. They were playing their 001AB floorstanding speaker ($9945) driven with Aluxus Audio33SE tube monoblocks ($9950), another name new to me. The Bache speaker featured a near full-range 8″ driver with a bamboo paper cone augmented by a Fostex Limited Edition FT-96A-EX2 tweeter from Japan that is no longer available. The downward firing 10″ bass driver with a wood fiber cone operated in a special double ported design. This powered version of the speaker is very efficient (95dB/W/m) for use with low powered tube amps. A 300 watt Class D amp handles the deep bass. The 001 PB at 90dB/W/m, unpowered, requires a more powerful amp, of course. With no crossover on the main driver, this system had a very transparent and immediate presentation. The wood veneers were especially attractive. The monoblocks had a digital readout of the tube bias of the 6C33C power tubes and operated in Class A. The input tube was a Russian 6922 and the chassis labeled the driver tube as an SV572. The designer of this handsome amp is a Russian gentleman, Alex Chorine, with decades of experience, I’m told. I presume the preamp and separate phono stage were also his. These were but a couple of the local gemstones that surfaced at this show and are certainly worthy of formal review Show Coverage By Rick Becker, www.enjoythemusic.com
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